Living Well with Dementia: Strategies for Enhancing Quality of Life


Dementia is often a life-altering condition that can affect your ability to perform everyday activities, such as shopping for groceries or remembering appointments. It’s also a disease that people often shy away from talking about. But with the right strategies and support, you can live well with dementia. Here are some tips:

Be aware of symptoms and seek help early.

Dementia is a progressive illness that can be treated, but only if it’s diagnosed early. If you have any concerns about your memory or thinking skills, talk to your doctor.

The signs of dementia include:

  • Memory loss that disrupts daily life
  • Challenges in planning or solving problems
  • Confusion with time or place

If you notice these symptoms in yourself or someone else who has known to be healthy and stable before, contact your doctor immediately.

Take a proactive role in managing your health.

It is important to be aware of the symptoms and seek help early.

  • Take a proactive role in managing your health.
  • Keep engaging in activities you enjoy, including those that make you feel young or give you a sense of accomplishment, such as learning something new, volunteering or participating in social activities with family members or friends.
  • Consider scheduling daily routines that help you feel more in control–for example, getting up at the same time every morning and going to bed at night; setting aside time each day for exercise; planning meals ahead of time so they’re ready when hunger strikes (and this way they won’t be calorie-laden snacks). These steps can help prevent falls by improving balance skills and reducing anxiety about falling by giving structure to one’s day.”

Keep engaging in activities you enjoy.

  • Choose activities that are meaningful to you.
  • Choose activities that are part of your identity.
  • Don’t give up on hobbies that you enjoy and have always enjoyed, even if they require more effort than before.
  • Try new things–even if they’re not easy at first, or don’t go as well as planned, there is something to be gained from every experience! Don’t worry about how others will judge your choices; focus instead on having fun and enjoying each moment for what it is worth!

Consider scheduling daily routines to help you feel more in control.

Scheduling daily routines is a way to help you feel more in control of your life. You may find it helpful to have a predictable schedule, especially if you have difficulty remembering or organizing information.

For example: If you always eat breakfast at 8:30am and go for a walk after lunch, then this is part of the daily routine that helps keep your life on track.

Find people who understand dementia and support you in difficult times.

  • Find people who understand dementia and support you in difficult times.
  • Family and friends may not be able to fully understand what you’re going through, but they can be helpful in providing support for you and your loved one. If possible, find others who have been impacted by dementia (such as caregivers) so that everyone is on the same page when it comes to understanding the disease. Mental health professionals, such as psychologists or psychiatrists, may also provide valuable insight into how best to handle difficult situations related to caring for someone with dementia–and many offer free consultations!
  • Support groups can be a great resource for learning more about different types of cognitive impairments while sharing experiences with others who are experiencing similar challenges in their own lives. A support group provides an opportunity not only help each other cope but also gain valuable insights into ways of improving quality of life while living with these conditions.”

You can keep living well with dementia

You can keep living well with dementia.

The strategies you use to maintain your quality of life will depend on your individual circumstances, but there are some general guidelines that can help you maintain an active lifestyle and maintain connections with others:

  • Stay physically active. Exercise has been shown to improve many aspects of cognition, including memory, attention and executive function (the ability to plan). It also helps reduce stress and anxiety — two common symptoms among people with dementia. If possible, continue the activities that were important to you before diagnosis such as walking or gardening; if not possible because of safety concerns related to wandering behavior or other factors such as physical limitations then look for new ones like Tai Chi classes at senior centers near where you live – these often offer low cost options!
  • Find support from people who understand what it’s like living with this condition every day – whether this means talking directly about challenges or simply spending time together doing something enjoyable without having those conversations just yet – either way they’ll provide comfort while helping build resilience so when hard times come around again later down road hopefully won’t feel nearly so overwhelming then either.”


With proper care and support, you can continue to live well with dementia. It’s important to be aware of symptoms and seek help early, take a proactive role in managing your health, keep engaging in activities you enjoy, consider scheduling daily routines that help you feel more in control, and find people who understand dementia and support you when things get difficult. Living well with dementia means embracing the idea that it’s not just about getting older–it’s about living life to its fullest!

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